Knowledge and Practice of Child Adoption among Infertile Couples Attending Fertility Clinic in a Tertiary Health Institution in Benin City, Edo State – Nigeria
Beatrice Mgboro Ohaeri RN, PhD, FWACN, Florence Onyemaechi Oahimijie, RN, MSc, Justin Agorye Ingwu, RN, PhD, FWACN.

The study assesses the knowledge of infertile couples regarding child adoption, determine the level of practice of child adoption among infertile couples and identify the factors that influence the practice of child adoption among infertile couples. The setting was Human Reproduction Research Programme (HRRP) in University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Edo State, Nigeria. A descriptive cross sectional design was used with a sample size of 200 respondents that were selected using simple random technique. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire and were analyzed using descriptive statistics with result presented on tables and inferential statistics to test for relationship between variables with p at 0.05 level of significance. Results showed that majority 194 (97%) were within the age group of 20-49, and 174 (87%) respondents were females. One hundred and twelve (64.4%) had been pregnant before. Few 21 (10.5%) respondents had good knowledge of infertility while only12 (6%) respondents had good knowledge of child adoption. The males had better knowledge of child adoption than females (p = 0.001). Also, those who had good knowledge of infertility were also discovered to have better knowledge of child adoption (p = 0.008).It was concluded that workshops, seminars and health talks should be organized in churches, meetings, town halls, and social clubs concerning child adoption to clarify all doubts and misconceptions. Efforts should be made by stakeholders and the government to make laws that will enable infertile couples to have easy access to adoption as this will prevent baby factories and child trafficking at homes.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v6n1a19