Feelings, Self-Care, and Infant Care Reported by Korean Women at Risk for Postpartum Depression
Younglee Kim, PhD, RN, PHN; SookbinIm, PhD, RN; Vivien Dee, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN; Chery Brandt, PhD RN, ACNS-BC; Eunhee Hong5, PhD, RN,GNP

Objective: To explore the personal experience of self-care activities among Korean women at risk for postpartum depression (PPD).Design: Interpretive description, qualitative study. Setting: Urban cities of Gyeonggi Province which surrounds Seoul, the capital city of South Korea. Participants: Twelve women at risk for PPD (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS scores ≥10) with an infant aged 12 months or younger. Methods: Using the EPDS-Korean version, postpartum women were screened for PPD risk. Twelve eligible participants participated in a personal interview about their experience after birth, including self-care and infant care. Interview data were analyzed using a line-by-line approach. Results: All participants received Korean traditional postpartum care after hospital discharge in a Sanhujori facility. Receiving care in Sanhujori facilities is a relatively new option for post-partum women. While in the facility the women rested and felt relaxed. Upon their return home with their newborn, participants reported being worried about maternal and infant care and requested additional help. They wanted to receive ongoing social support during the postpartum period. Participants reported obtaining general information for self-care through Internet social networking services. Conclusions: New mothers at risk for PPD experience emotions and infant care challenges similar to those experienced by new mothers in general. Healthcare professionals should conduct early detection of postpartum depression and provide readily-available educational interventions and/or programs for women to improve their self-care and infant care during the postpartum period. Sanhujori Facilities, postpartum healthcare centers, are included in this recommendation.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v6n1a1