Does Talking and Different Body (Sitting, Supine, Standing) Positions affect Blood Pressure?
Zühre Yoloğlu, Dr. Bahire Ulus

Thisstudyaimtocompare Blood Pressure (BP) values obtained sitting, talking, supine, and standing positions.The study was planned in a comparative and descriptive design and conducted on 357 hypertensive patients in the cardiology department at a private health center in Istanbul in 2016.The data were collected with a patient identification form and BP Measurements form. BP measurement was done with aneroid sphygmomanometer. Measurements were done on the the patients left and right arms, respectively, sitting, talking, supine and standing position.The blood pressure measurement process lasted about 30 minutes in each patient. The obtained data were analyzed with percentages, repeated measures (in order to determine from which measurement the difference originated) ANOVA and Bonferroni tests.The mean of the sitting position BP, talking and standing SBP was significantly lower than average (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between talking and standing SBP averages (p>0.05). Standing DBP, mean, talking, sitting and supine measured diastolic blood pressure was significantly higher than average (p<0.05). Talking and sitting diastolic BP measured was no significant difference between the averages (p> 0.05).At the end of the study, we concluded that sitting is the most reliable position for the measurement of BP.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v5n2a8