Attitudes of Midwives towards Teenage Pregnancy and Motherhood in an Urban Specialist Hospital in Jamaica
Agu, C. F. MSc.N, BSN, RN, RM, R.OPHN; Rae, T. MSc.N, BSN, RN Pitter, C. MSc.N, RN, RM

Introduction: Teenage pregnancy and motherhood have been portrayed as crisis with negative social, emotional, physical, health and economic consequences. It has been noted to be one of the causes of delay in the accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) one, four and five. Midwives play a critical role in promoting the wellbeing of pregnant mothers irrespective of age. Hence, their attitudes may impact the quality of care rendered to this vulnerable group. Objectives: The study explored the midwives’ attitude towards teenage pregnancy and motherhood and the demographic predictors of their attitudes. Method: A quantitative cross sectional study was conducted. A census of all midwives (n=72) practicing in a maternity hospital in Kingston, Jamaica was done, using the “Positivity Towards Teen Mothers” questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA and its significance tested using Pearson’s Chi square. Results: Results revealed that 44.4% of midwives have positive attitudes, 43.1% negative and 11.1% neutral attitudes towards teenage pregnancy and motherhood. However, there is a significant relationship (p= 0.039) between their years of experience, presence of teen mother in their family and their attitudes. Conclusion: Although majority of the midwives had positive attitudes, still several midwives had either negative or neutral attitudes, therefore midwifery curriculum could be strengthened to foster professional values, patient-centered and respectful care to this vulnerable group.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v4n2a4