Technology Incorporation of the Project Our Children: Windows of Opportunities: The Professional Perspective
Danielle Freitas Alvim de Castro, Lislaine Aparecida Fracolli, Anna Maria Chiesa, Mônica Franco Coelho, Magda Aparecida dos Santos Silva, Luciana Soares Costa Santos

To evaluate the incorporation of the technologies of the Windows Project by health professionals. Methods: This is an evaluation research with triangulation methods using the four levels of evaluation of Kirkpatrick. The subjects of study were physicians and nurses of the Basic Units of the Western Region Health Project. Results: Three Teams incorporated the technology, nine partially incorporated and six non-incorporated the technology. Three nurses and two physicians incorporated the technology, nine nurses and five physicians incorporated partially-five nurses and two physicians failed to incorporate the technology. Five categories of behavior change and four dimensions related to the incorporation of technology were identified. Conclusions: The incorporation of the Technologies of the Windows Project proved to be closely related to the process of continuing education. The professional work routine analysis provides clues about the technologies already in use by the teams and the needs of incorporating a new technology

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v3n2a13