Inhibiting Factors of Nursing Students’ Skills Competencies Achievement during Nursing Professional Education Program in Faculty of Nursing, University Of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Nurhidayah, Rika Endah; Nurbaiti

After completing the Nursing Professional Education Program (NPEP), ideally all of the nursing students had mastered the nursing skills’ competency. However, the reality of these conditions might be different. Many factors have been found which affect the achievement of the nursing skills’ competency. This study aims to identify the inhibiting factors of nursing students’ skills competencies during NPEP in the Faculty of Nursing USU. This is a descriptive study. Samples in this study were 25 students who had completed NPEP. Data were collected by interviewing process. Results of the study were presented in narrative method. The results showed that the biggest inhibitor in achieving competency was the non-nursing tasks assigned by the hospital’s staff; other inhibitors were the nursing students’ personal problems, the clinical preceptors, unit’s equipment and other professions. The nursing students suggested that faculty of nursing should provide the hospital pre-clinic program before enrolling NPEP, so that they would have the better understanding about the real situations in the hospital and could minimize such inhibitors.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v2n2a3