WebQuests in Family Nursing Education: the Learner’s Perspective
Nancyruth Leibold, Laura Marie Schwarz

WebQuests are an interactive teaching strategy that uses faculty-designed Internet web pages to develop higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, application, and reflection. The WebQuest activity engages learners to build knowledge in authentic contexts. However, there is limited educational research in nursing on the use of WebQuests. This mixed-methods study used a qualitative and quantitative survey approach to evaluate WebQuests as a teaching/learning strategy related to family nursing education from the learner’s perspective. The constructs of focus used were active learning, facilitation, and family nursing. A descriptive quantitative and descriptive qualitative with content analysis design was used in the study. This research study examined the nursing learner’s perspective of WebQuests for teaching/learning family nursing content. A majority of participants reported active engagement in learning, the use of analysis, reflection, discovery, and that the WebQuest included helpful sources. Additionally, the WebQuest activity prompted learners to think of ways to interact with patients and families. Overall, participants reported an enjoyable experience with using the WebQuest activity.

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